historias del mar reales monte palomares

Those waves seemed to have a name. They rocked the ship almost rhythmically, and the salty foam splashed across the deck, hitting the bulkheads.

From the height of the bridge, they could be seen coming in an orderly fashion, like immense, undulating walls. Most of the crew were seasick. Some were in bed. Others, defeated. And a few had remembered to pray after a long time. The sea was overwhelming us, but we had to resist. Otherwise, we would end our journey right there.

We left Canada bound for Europe on a huge ship filled with corn grain.

A tragedy on board, the death of a crew member, changed our route. At that moment the captain spoke with us and decided to head for the nearest land, Halifax, Nova Scotia. The weather forecast warned of strong gusty winds and waves of between 15 and 20 metres.

From Halifax I only vaguely remember our friend's funeral, the cold we weren't used to, and how strange it was that the bars only served one glass of alcohol.

We left Halifax and, having overcome the bad weather in the North Atlantic, we headed peacefully towards Spain.

The fear is behind me, but the fear I spent hour after hour holding on to the fuel control to control the revolutions, depending on whether the propeller was in or completely out of the water, that fear has not been erased yet.

The next trip was a little more peaceful, but I had already decided: this was not a life for making a lot of money, or having fun, or even for raising a family. I landed in Barcelona, ​​many years ago.

Two months later I heard on the news that the ship I had sailed on had sunk in the North Atlantic in another bloody storm. Only six crew members survived. I knew them all very well but I didn't want to know their names.

That ship was called Monte Palomares, from the Aznar shipping company, and it marked the rest of my life because I can tell it.

Since then I have worked on land. I have had a family. I have children and grandchildren and I have been, from time to time, happy.

But I will never forget those waves, that boat and those companions who are no longer names for me.

More information on the chronicle of the tragic end of Monte Palomares at:

1966: Sinking of Spanish freighter Monte Palomares | Maritime Radio

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